Student Safety

ALL Master’s Hand Students:
● It is critical that we have students in a supervised setting at ALL times.
● If your elementary child/ren have an hour without a scheduled class, you MUST be with
them. The front foyer is available for quiet study for moms or dads to sit with their
● Students waiting to be picked up MUST wait inside the church.
● Students are not allowed to leave the campus during their school day unless
arrangements have been made in advance.
● It is important for students to be signed in when they arrive for classes. Signing them out
is only necessary if a student leaves early.
● Teachers will explain emergency evacuation procedures during the first few weeks of


High School Students With A Gap Hour:
● While on church property, students must be supervised at all times by a parent or other
adult. If this is not possible, you may coordinate with a teacher to have them sit in the
back of the classroom to work on homework or to be a student helper.
● If a high school student is driving and would like to leave campus for a gap hour, we ask
that their parents please give a written letter of consent to the directors informing them of
their arrangement. If students come back repeatedly late or are disruptive to the learning
environment of Master’s Hand, this privilege may be revoked by the directors.
● Students are not allowed to sit in their cars or outside by themselves as Master’s Hand
would still be responsible for their safety.