Each teacher has the authority to implement their own classroom management system. He/she will communicate clearly what the classroom expectations are for student behavior. In the event of an ongoing problem with a student(s), these steps will be used as guidelines for a disciplinary situation. At each step, there is an opportunity for repentance, forgiveness, and heart change.
- Student warning from the teacher. If it is a simple correction, then it will be addressed in class. However, if it requires a lengthier conversation, the student will be sent to the hall for correction. If it is a one-time issue of disrespect, the teacher will use their best judgment if they feel an email or phone call needs to also go to the parents.
- Student conference with teacher at different time. Any repeated classroom behavior parents will be notified and directors copied onto email for support if required.
- Meeting with parents, student(s), and teacher. (A director or board member may be invited to attend).
- In the event that the behavioral problem has still not been rectified, the teacher will bring the matter to the directors to discuss possible solutions. Possible solutions include but are not limited to: moving the child to a different class, dismissing the child from that hour, suspension from the class for a given period of time, or most seriously expulsion from the Master’s Hand Longmont program. The expulsion of a child from the program requires a majority vote by the board.
* Additional disciplinary measures may be added as deemed necessary by the Master’s Hand Longmont Board.
Discipline: I/We understand that the purpose of attendance at The Master’s Hand Longmont Enrichment program is to enrich my/our child academically. I/We understand that if my/our child is disruptive during classes, the other children are not able to benefit from the instruction. The faculty and/or staff may find it necessary to notify me/us that my/our child should be sent home if this situation occurs. If disruptive behavior continues, the Faculty and/or Staff may require expulsion of my/our child from the class(es) he/she may be enrolled in at that time. I/We understand that if expulsion is required, program fees will be prorated from the day my/our child was expelled with the remaining balance returned to us/me within 30 days following expulsion.